Sunday Worship in Church

March 26, 2022
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。中文講道,翻譯英文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in Mandarin with English translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.

感谢神 Thanks to God for My Redeemer
只願得著你 Take Hold of Christ
詩班:主活著 Choir: He Lives
Response song: 我時刻需要祢 I NEED THEE EVERY HOUR

March 19, 2022
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。中文講道,翻譯英文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in Mandarin with English translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.

我的靈讚美袮 10,000 Reasons
詩班:我歌頌祢 Choir: I Sing of Thee
Response song: 智慧的人 Who Are the Wise

March 12, 2022
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。英文講道,翻譯中文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in English with Mandarin translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.

Be Thou My Vision 成為我異象
人們需要主 People Need the Lord
詩班:主,我願像你 Choir: O To Be Like Thee
Response song: 今生跟隨主耶穌 I Follow the Lord Jesus

March 5, 2022
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。中文講道,翻譯英文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in Mandarin with English translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.

We will have Lord’s Supper this Sunday. If you have accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior and have received the water baptism, I invite you to join us.

耶和華是愛 Jehovah Is Love
你坐著為王 You Sit On The Throne
Special Music: The Old Rugged Cross, Piano and Sung by Cindy Tong
Response song: 真光 True Light

February 26, 2022
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。中文講道,翻譯英文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in Mandarin with English translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.

今生跟隨主耶穌 I Follow the Lord Jesus
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus 当转眼仰望耶稣
詩班:我的心你要称颂耶和华 Choir: Praise the Lord, O My Soul
Response song: 直到主耶穌再來時候 Until Lord Jesus Comes Again

February 19, 2022
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。中文講道,翻譯英文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in Mandarin with English translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.

Holiness unto the Lord
求祢為我造清潔的心 Create In Me a Clean Heart
詩班:愛的真諦 Choir: The Essence of Love
Response song: 愛使我們相聚一起 The Bond of Love

February 12, 2022
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。中文講道,翻譯英文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in Mandarin with English translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.

以色列的聖者 Holy One
Since Jesus came into my heart
詩班:赐福与你 Choir: Blessings of God Be Upon You
Response song: 求祢為我造清潔的心 Create In Me a Clean Heart

February 5, 2022
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。英文講道,翻譯中文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in English with Mandarin translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.

We will have Lord’s Supper this Sunday. If you have accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior and have received the water baptism, I invite you to join us.

Your Love Oh Lord (Psalm 36) – Third Day
袮的愛不離不棄 You Will Never Leave Me
詩班:我永屬主 Choir: Now I Belong to Jesus
Response song: 信靠耶穌真是甜美 ‘Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus

January 29, 2022
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。中文講道,翻譯英文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in Mandarin with English translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.

Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty
坐在寶座上聖潔羔羊 The Holy Lamb on the Throne
詩班:八福 Choir: The Beatitudes
Response song: 求祢為我造清潔的心 Create In Me a Clean Heart

January 22, 2022
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。中文講道,翻譯英文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in Mandarin with English translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.

祢信實何廣大 Great is thy Faithfulness
若 If
詩班:祂藏我靈 Choir: He Hideth My Soul
Response song: 求祢為我造清潔的心 Create In Me a Clean Heart

January 15, 2022
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。中文講道,翻譯英文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in Mandarin with English translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.

除祢以外 Whom Have I But You
神要開道路 God Will Make A Way
詩班:感謝神 Choir: Thanks to God for My Redeemer
Response song: 在耶穌裡彼此相愛 Let Us Love

January 8, 2022
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。英文講道,翻譯中文。講題:信心的遺產;經文:希伯來書 12:1-3。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in English with Mandarin translation. Title of message: Legacy of Faith; Text: Hebrews 12:1-3. English Sunday School at 11 AM.

我的靈讚美袮 10,000 Reasons
生命的執著 My Tribute
詩班:像榮美川流 Choir: Like a River Glorious
Response song: 主,我邀請你 Lord I Invite You

January 1, 2022
教會已經開放,歡迎你來教會敬拜神,時間早上九點三十分(Albuquerque, MDT)。若你不能來,你可繼續在線上敬拜。中文講道,翻譯英文。十一點中文聯合主日學。
The church is open and you are welcome to worship at the church with us in person at 9:30 am (Mountain Time). If you are unable to come you can continue to worship on line. Message in Mandarin with English translation. English Sunday School at 11 AM.

如鹿切慕溪水 As The Deer
是誰 Who Did

Response song: 求祢為我造清潔的心 Create In Me a Clean Heart