Sermon 2022-01-30 Take Off the Old and Put On the New

題目 : 脫去舊的,穿上新的
Title : Take Off the Old and Put On the New

經文 : 以弗所書 4:17-24
Text : Ephesians 4:17-24

引言 Introduction

  1. 舊的生命 (以弗所書 4:17-19)
    Old life (Ephesians 4:17-19)
    a. 虛妄的心 Vanity of mind
    b. 心地昏昧 Darkened understanding
    c. 與神隔絕 Alienated from God
    d. 心裏剛硬 Hardness of heart
    e. 良心喪盡 They are callous
  2. 新的生命(以弗所書 4:20-24)
    New life (Ephesians 4:20-24)
    a. 脫去舊人的行爲 Put off the old man
    b. 把心志改換一新 Renew the mind
    c. 穿上新人的行爲 Put on the new man

結論 Conclusion