Sermon 2021-09-12 Two Different Situations

題目 : 兩個不同的情況
Title : Two Different Situations

經文 : 詩篇 1:1-6
Text : Psalms 1:1-6

引言 Introduction

  1. 兩個選擇 (詩篇 1:1-2)
    Two choices (Psalm 1:1-2)

    1. 喜愛神的律法 Delight in God’s laws
    2. 隨從罪的途徑 Follow the paths of sins
  2. 兩個後果(詩篇 1:3-4)
    Two consequences (Psalm 1:3-4)

    1. 按時候結果子 Yielding fruits in its time
    2. 像糠秕被風吹 Like chaff blown by wind
  3. 兩個審判(詩篇 1:5-6)
    Two judgments (Psalm 1:5-6)

    1. 神知義人的路 God knows the way of the righteous
    2. 惡人滅亡的路 Way of destruction of the wicked

結論 Conclusion