Sermon 2021-05-16 Giving the Blessings to Others

題目 : 把福讓給別人
Title : Giving the Blessings to Others

經文 : 路加福音 20:9-18
Text : Luke 20:9-18

引言 Introduction

  1. 神差遣祂的僕人(路加福音 20:9-12)
    God sent His servants (Luke 20:9-12)
  2. 神的話語被拒絕(路加福音 20:13-15a)
    God word being rejected (Luke 20:13-15a)
  3. 神把福讓給別人(路加福音 20:15b-16)
    God gave the blessings to others (Luke 20:15b-16)
  4. 神施行祂的審判(路加福音 20:17-18)
    God implements His judgment (Luke 20:17-18)

結論 Conclusion