Sermon 2021-01-17 The Teaching of Jesus on Judging Others

題目 : 耶穌對論斷人的教導
Title : The Teaching of Jesus on Judging Others

經文 : 馬太福音 7:1-5
Text : Matthew 7:1-5

引言 Introduction

  1. 不可論斷人
    Do not judge others
  2. 神必定審判
    God will judge
  3. 不論斷人的秘訣
    The secrets of not judging others
    a. 說話真誠棄謊言
    Speaking the truth without lie
    b. 除去偏見尊重人
    Get rid of bias and respect others
    c. 愛心包容多接納
    Accept one another with love

結論 Conclusion