Sermon 2020-12-06 The Teaching of Jesus on Adultery

題目 : 耶穌對姦淫的教導
Title : The Teaching of Jesus on Adultery

經文 : 馬太福音 5:27-30
Text : Matthew 5:27-30

引言 Introduction

  1. 舊約對「不可姦淫」的命令(馬太福音 5:27)
    The Old Testament on the command not to commit adultery (Matthew 5:27)
  2. 心裡有淫念就是犯姦淫(馬太福音 5:28)
    Lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart. (Matthew 5:28)
  3. 寧可失一肢也不犯姦淫(馬太福音 5:29-30)
    Better that you lose one of your members than committing adultery. (Matthew 5:29-30)
  4. 一個正確和永恆的決定(馬太福音 5:30b)
    A rightful and eternal decision (Matthew 5:30b)

結論 Conclusion