Sermon 2020-11-01 The Conclusion of Job

題目 : 約伯記的結論
Title : The Conclusion of Job

經文 : 約伯記 42:1-17
Text : Job 42:1-17

引言 Introduction

  1. 約伯覺悟懊悔 (約伯記 42:1-6)
    The remorse of Job (Job 42:1-6)
  2. 神譴責三朋友(約伯記 42:7-9)
    God condemns the three friends (Job 42:7-9)
  3. 神振興約伯家(約伯記 42:10-17)
    God promotes the family of Job (Job 42:10-17)

結論 Conclusion