Sermon 2020-09-27 God in Charge of Everything in the Universe

題目 : 神掌管宇宙萬物
Title : God in Charge of Everything in the Universe

經文 : 約伯記 40:6 – 41:34
Text : Job 40:6 – 41:34

引言 Introduction

  1. 三個指責 (約伯記 40:6-8)
    Three accusations (Job 40:6-8)
  2. 三個責問(約伯記 40:9-14)
    Three impeachments (Job 40:9-14)
  3. 兩個異獸(約伯記 40:15-41:34)
    Two beasts (Job 40:15-41:34)

結論 Conclusion