Sermon 2020-08-23 Wildlife Displays God the Almighty and His Wisdom

題目 : 野獸彰顯神全能與智慧
Title : Wildlife Displays God the Almighty and His Wisdom

經文 : 約伯記 38:39-39:25
Text : Job 38:39-39:25

引言 Introduction

  1. 獅子烏鴉仰賴神 (約伯記 38:39-41)
    Lion and raven depend on God (Job 38:39-41)
  2. 山羊母鹿生產多(約伯記 39:1-4)
    Mountain goats and deer produce many young ones (Job 39:1-4)
  3. 快驢獨居愛自由(約伯記 39:5-8)
    Lonely swift donkey love freedom (Job 39:5-8)
  4. 野牛難馴力氣大(約伯記 39:9-12)
    Difficult to tame a wild ox with great strength (Job 39:9-12)
  5. 鴕鳥快跑缺智慧(約伯記 39:13-18)
    Ostrich runs fast but lack wisdom (Job 39:13-18)
  6. 壮馬力大顯威武(約伯記 39:19-25)
    Strong horses showing off their mightiness (Job 39:19-25)

結論 Conclusion