Sermon 2020-06-21 A Man Who is Humiliated and Abandoned

題目 : 被羞辱和離棄的人
Title : A Man Who is Humiliated and Abandoned

經文 : 約伯記 30
Text : Job 30

引言 Introduction

  1. 被人歧視和羞辱 (約伯記 30:1-15)
    Being discriminated against and humiliated(Job 30:1-15)
  2. 神不眷顧不理睬 (約伯記 30:16-23)
    God does not care and ignore(Job 30:16-23)
  3. 受盡委屈無處訴 (約伯記 30:24-31)
    Nowhere to turn to after being wronged(Job 30:24-31)

結論 Conclusion