Sermon 2020-05-17 The Conditions of Man in the End Time

題目 : 人在末日的情況
Title : The Conditions of Man in the End Time

經文 : 帖撒羅尼迦後書 2:10-12
Text : II Thessalonians 2:10-12

引言 Introduction

  1. 沉淪的人(帖後 2:10a)
    People who perish (II Thess 2:10a)
  2. 不愛真理(帖後 2:10b)
    Do not love the truth (II Thess 2:10b)
  3. 相信謊言(帖後 2:11)
    Believing in lies (II Thess 2:11)
  4. 喜愛不義(帖後 2:12)
    Delighting in unrighteousness (II Thess 2:12)

結論 Conclusion