Sermon 2020-03-08 Accusation of Friends and the Defense of Job

題目 : 朋友的指責和約伯的辯護
Title : Accusation of Friends and the Defense of Job

經文 : 約伯記 4:7-9, 15:2-6, 11:13-20, 6:14-20
Text : Job 4:7-9, 15:2-6, 11:13-20, 6:14-20

引言 Introduction

  1. 第一指責:罪的結果
    First accusation: the consequence of sin
  2. 第二指責:應當悔改
    Second accusation: ought to repent
  3. 約伯為自己的辯護
    The defense of Job for himself

結論 Conclusion