Sermon 2020-01-05 The Sovereignty of God

題目 : 神的掌權
Title : The Sovereignty of God

經文 : 但以理書 4:34-35; 詩篇 121:1-5; 以賽亞書 40:25-26; 啟示錄 1:1; 約伯記 11:7-10
Text : Daniel 4:34-35; Psalm 121:1-5; Isaiah 40:25-26; Revelation 1:1; Job 11:7-10

引言 Introduction

  1. 神與人關係 (詩篇 121:1-5)
    God’s relationship with people (Psalm 121:1-5)
  2. 神掌管天地 (以賽亞書 40:25-26; 但以理書 4:34-35)
    God is in control of the heavens and the earth (Isaiah 40:25-26; Daniel 4:34-35)
  3. 神掌管將來 (啟示錄 1:1)
    God is in control of the future (Revelation 1:1)
  4. 人不能測透 (約伯記 11:7-10)
    People cannot fathom (Job 11:7-10)

結論 Conclusion