Sermon 2019-10-13 Job in the Midst of Sorrowful Complaint

題目 : 哀怨中的約伯
Title : Job in the Midst of Sorrowful Complaint

經文 : 約伯記 6:1-13
Text : Job 6:1-13

引言 Introduction

  1. 痛苦比海沙重 (約伯記 6:1-4)
    Anguish is heavier than the sand of the seas (Job 6:1-4)
  2. 哀怨有其原因 (約伯記 6:5-7)
    Sorrowful complaint has its reasons (Job 6:5-7)
  3. 切望死裡安息 (約伯記 6:8-9)
    Hoping death would bring rest (Job 6:8-9)
  4. 資源全然耗盡 (約伯記 6:11-13)
    Resources are completely exhausted (Job 6:11-13)
  5. 身勞累心憂苦 (約伯記 7:1-7)
    Weary and sorrowful (Job 7:1-7)

結論 Conclusion