Sermon 2019-08-11 Highlights of Paul’s Journeys

題目 : 保羅顯著的旅程
Title : Highlights of Paul’s Journeys

經文 : 使徒行傳 17:16, 22-34; 19:8-10, 17-20, 23-28; 27:24, 43-44, 28:14; 28:16, 30-31
Text : Acts 17:16, 22-34; 19:8-10, 17-20, 23-28; 27:24, 43-44, 28:14; 28:16, 30-31

Speaker: Brother Ralph Dawson

引言 Introduction

  1. 雅典 (使徒行傳 17:16, 22-34)
    Athens (Acts 17:16, 22-34)
  2. 以弗所 (使徒行傳 19:8-10, 17-20, 23-28)
    Ephesus (Acts 19:8-10, 17-20, 23-28)
  3. 馬耳他 (使徒行傳 27:24, 43-44, 28:14)
    Malta (Acts 27:24, 43-44, 28:14)
  4. 羅馬 (使徒行傳 28:16, 30-31)
    Rome (Acts 28:16, 30-31)

結論 Conclusion