Sermon 2019-04-14 Drawing Near to God in Times of Trouble

題目 : 在困難中親近神(二)
Title : Drawing Near to God in Times of Trouble (Pt. 2)

經文 : 詩篇 63:6-11
Text : Psalms 63:6-11

Speaker: Brother Ralph Dawson

引言 Introduction

  1. 親近神 (詩篇 63:6-8)
    Drawing Near to God (Psalms 63:6-8)
  2. 神審判那些遠離祂的人 (詩篇 63:9-10)
    God Judges Those Who are Far from Him (Psalms 63:9-10)
  3. 神昌盛那些親近祂的人 (詩篇 63:11)
    God Prospers Those Who are Near Him (Psalms 63:11)

結論 Conclusion