Sermon 2019-02-10 Worship in a Time of Trouble

題目 : 在困難中的敬拜
Title : Worship in a Time of Trouble

經文 : 詩篇 63:1-5
Text : Psalms 63:1-5

Speaker: Ralph Dawson

引言 Introduction

  1. 劇烈的敬拜 (詩篇 63:1-2)
    Intensity of Worship (Psalms 63:1-2)
  2. 行動的敬拜 (詩篇 63:3-4)
    Action of Worship (Psalms 63:3-4)
  3. 敬拜所得的滿足 (詩篇 63:5)
    Satisfaction from Worship (Psalms 63:5)

結論 Conclusion