Sermon 2014-10-12 Love has long patience, is kind

題目 : 愛是恒久忍耐又有恩慈
Title : Love has long patience, is kind

經文 : 哥林多前書 13:4,馬可福音 10:45-52
Text : I Corinthians 13:4, Mark 10:45-52

Speaker: Bro. Hei King 金海 牧師


  1. “愛是恒久忍耐又有恩慈” (林前 13:4)的生活化註解:
    A few characteristics of “Love has long patience, is kind” (I Corinthians 13:4)
    1. 有時間 Being available
    2. 不怕麻煩 Not afraid of being bothered
    3. 體會人的感覺 Sympathetic to the feelings of others
    4. 尊重並保護人的尊嚴 Respecting and protecting other people’s dignity
  2. 馬可福音 10:45-52:
    Mark 10:45-52
    1. 瞎子的反應 (可 10:47-48) Response of the blind man (Mark 10:47-48)
    2. 旁邊人的反應 (可 10:48) Reaction from people around (Mark 10:48)
    3. 耶穌的反應 (可 10:49-52) Jesus’ response (Mark 10:49-52)
    4. 對我的提醒及生活中的操練 Put This Into Practice in Our Everyday Life Demonstration in Jesus’ salvation
  3. 耶穌道成肉身為我們罪人十字架的救恩:
    The right response to the right question: The parable of the fig tree. (Luke 13:6-9)
    1. 有時間 (弗 1:4,5,10,14) Being available (Ephesians 1:4,5,10,14)
    2. 不怕麻煩 (加 4:4-5) Not afraid of being bothered (Galatians 4:4-5)
    3. 體會人的感覺 (路 23:34) Sympathetic to the feelings of others (Luke 23:34)
    4. 尊重並保護人的尊嚴 (腓 2:6-8) Respecting and protecting other people’s dignity (Philippians 2:6-8)


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