Sermon 2013-03-24 The Cost of Following Jesus

題目 : 跟從耶穌的代價
Title : The Cost of Following Jesus

經文 : 路加福音 14:25-35
Text : Luke 14:25-35

Speaker: Ralph Dawson

引言 – 耶穌給將要作跟隨者的話
Introduction – Jesus’ Words to Would-be Followers

  1. 什麽是跟隨耶穌的代價? (路加福音 Luke 14:25-27)
    What is the Cost of Following Jesus? (Luke 14:25-27)
  2. 什麽是不數算代價的壞處? (路加福音 Luke 14:28-35)
    What is the Hazard of Not Counting the Cost? (Luke 14:28-35)
  3. 什麽是數算代價的好處? (馬太福音 Matthew 11:28-30)
    What is the Benefit of Counting the Cost? (Matthew 11:28-30)


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