Sermon 2012-01-29 Parable of the Lost (Prodigal) Son

題目 : 迷失兒子(浪子)的比喻
Title : Parable of the Lost (Prodigal) Son

經文 : 路加福音 15:1-32
Text : Luke 15:1-32

Speaker: Bro. Ralph Dawson

引言 – 為何耶穌教導這比喻?
Introduction – Why Jesus Taught This Parable?

  1. 迷失的兒子(浪子) (路加 15:11-19)
    The Lost (Prodigal) Son (Luke 15:11-19)
  2. 他慈愛的父親 (路加 15:20-24)
    His Loving Father (Luke 15:20-24)
  3. 他自稱公義的兄弟 (路加 15:25-32)
    His Self-Righteous Brother (Luke 15:25-32)


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