Sermon 2009-07-19 Christ Came that We Might have Life

題目 : 基督來使我們得生命
Title : Christ Came that We Might have Life

經文 : 約翰一書 1:1-4
Text : I John 1:1-4


  1. 耶穌基督是自有永有的 (約翰一書 1:1a)
    Jesus Christ has always existed (I John 1:1a)
  2. 耶穌基督已經啟示祂是誰 – 生命之道 (約翰一書 1:1b-2)
    Jesus Christ has revealed who He is: The Word of Life (I John 1:1b-2)
  3. 耶穌基督來使我們與祂和神相交並且喜樂滿滿 (約翰一書 1:3-4)
    Jesus Christ came that we might have fellowship with Him and God and our joy might be full. (I John 1:3-4)


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