Sermon 2009-06-21 For Such a Time as This

題目 : 為現今的機會
Title : For Such a Time as This

經文 : 以斯帖記 4:14; 以弗所書 2:10
Text : Esther 4:14, Ephesians 2:10

Speaker : Mark Yee


  1. 以斯帖的故事: 神在適當的時機把我們放在適當的位置 (以斯帖記 4:12-14)
    The story of Esther : God puts us in the right place at the right time (Esther 4:12-14)
  2. 神已經預先安排好要我們去行善 (羅馬書 8:28, 以弗所書 2:10)
    God has planned in advance for us to do good works (Romans 8:28, Ephesians 2:10)
  3. 即使很困難,我們也應當用一顆願意服事的心來回應 (以賽亞書 6:8)
    We need to respond with a desire to serve, even if it is hard (Isaiah 6:8)
  4. 神賜給我們每一個人能力及才幹來服事祂 (馬太福音 25:14-30)
    God gives each of us abilities and talents to serve Him (Matthew 25:14-30)
