Sermon 2008-01-13 Commitment

題目 : 委身
Title : Commitment

經文 : 尼希米記 2-6,13
Text : Nehemiah 2-6,13

Speaker: Ralph Dawson

William Borden
No Reserves – Nothing withheld  沒有保留- 沒有制止
No Retreats – Nothing withdrawn  沒有到退- 沒有收回
No Regrets – Nothing to change  沒有後悔- 沒有改變

Nehemiah – Challenges to Commitment
米- 委身的挑戰

Key Players in Satan’s Opposition: Sanballat, Tobiah, Geshem, Shemaiah

Challenges to the Totality of His Commitment 他完全委身的挑戰
1. Ridicule and Mockery (4:1-3) 嘲笑和愚弄
2. Visible and Invisible Threats (4:7-11) 見到和見不到的威脅
3. Greed of the Wealthy Jews (5:1-13) 富有猶太人的貪婪

Temptations to Retreat from God’s Work  從神事工到退的試探
1. Physical Separation (6:1-2) 肉體的分開
2. Character Assassination (6:5-7) 人格的襲擊
3. Fear (6:10-14) 恐懼

Causes to Regret 造成後悔
1. Tobiah living in the Temple (13:4-7) 多比雅住在聖殿
2. Tithe Not Kept (13:10-11) 沒有供給十一奉獻
3. Sabbath Not Kept (13:15-17) 沒有守安息日
4. Intermarriage with Idolators (13:23-24) 與拜偶像的人通婚

Nehemiah’s Plea: Remember me, O God, for good. (13:31)

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