Sermon 2007-07-29 The Day of the Lord

題目 : 主的日子
Title : The Day of the Lord

經文 : 帖撒羅尼迦後書 2:1-3,6
Text : II Thessalonians 2:1-3,6

Introduction-Things that will happen before the Day of the Lord

  1. 離道反教的事情 (帖後 2:3)
    The rebellion (II Thes. 2:3)
  2. 大罪人的顯露 (帖後 2:3)
    The reveal of the man of lawlessness (II Thes 2:3)
  3. 那攔阻大罪人的被除去 (帖後 2:6)
    The one restrains the man of lawlessness is taken out of the way (II Thes 2:6)


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