Sermon 2007-07-22 The Righteous Judgment of God

題目 : 神公義的審判
Title : The Righteous Judgment of God

經文 : 帖撒羅尼迦後書 1:6-12
Text : II Thessalonians 1:6-12


  1. 神會按公義行他的審判 (帖後 1:6-7a)
    God will carry out His righteous judgment (II Thes. 1:6-7a)
  2. 他如何與會在何時行他的審判 (帖後 1:7b-8)
    When and how He will carry out His judgment (II Thes 1:7b-8)
  3. 他所行的審判而帶來的後果 (帖後 1:9-10)
    The consequences of His judgment (II Thes 1:9-10)
  4. 在他行審判之前我們應當如何作 (帖後 1:11-12)
    How we ought to live before He carries out His judgment (II Thes 1:11-12)


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