Sermon 2007-06-24 The Responsibilities of Leaders and Followers

題目 : 作領袖和跟隨者的責任
Title : The Responsibilities of Leaders and Followers

經文 : 帖撒羅尼迦前書 5:12-15
Text : I Thessalonians 5:12-15


  1. 作領袖的責任 (帖前 5: 12)
    The responsibilities of leaders (I Thes. 5:12)
    a. 在主裏勞苦 Labor diligently in the Lord
    b.在主裏治理 Have charge over believers in the Lord
    c. 勸戒信徒 Admonish believers
  2. 跟隨者的責任 (帖前 5:12-13)
    The responsibility of followers (I Thes 5: 12-13)
    a. 以愛心格外尊重作領袖的
    Hold the leaders in the highest regard in love
  3. 每一個基督徒的責任 (帖前 5:14-15)
    The responsibilities of every Christian (I Thes 5: 14-15)
    a. 彼此勸戒,勉勵和扶助
    Admonish one another, encourage and help.
    b. 對眾人忍耐,不以惡報惡
    Be patient with everyone, do not pay back wrong with wrong.
    a. 彼此相待,追求良善
    Be kind to one another and seek good for all men.
