Ladies Fellowship – Chapter 1 & 2: 尋求那上好的福分 (2007-10-13)


十月十三日下午,我們學習 “合神心意的女人” 第一和第二課。聚會以唱歌敬拜開始,然後讚美神因為是我們知心的朋友。姐妹們表示願意改變自己。我們分享神為我們傾出的愛心,我們對神愛的回應以及我們對的渴慕。姐妹們也分享她們經驗到神的話語和禱告如何奇妙地幫助她們脫離困境及低谷。透過每日的靈修、閱讀、和思想神的話,神的應許常駐在我們的心中。謝每一位參與團契的姐妹。我們也分享美味的點心。我們期待著下一次的團契。

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A heart devoted to God

This afternoon, we studied the first two chapters of the Book, Women after God’s own heart. Beginning with worship songs, praising God being our the intimate friend and willing to change our lives, we shared the love God pours out for us, our responding love, and desires to be close to his heart. Sisters also shared the experiences that God words and praying have the ‘magic’ power to save us from troubles, sliding down to the death village. By having quite time with God everyday, reading and meditating God’s words, God’s promise is kept in our heart always. Thanks every sister‘s contribution to fellowship, we also shared the delicious food. Looking forward to next fellowship. (Jean Liu)