Sermon 2022-03-13 How the Gospel Moves Through People

題目 : 福音如何穿過人
Title : How the Gospel Moves Through People

經文 : 帖撒羅尼迦前書 1:2-10
Text : 1 Thessalonians 1:2-10

Speaker: Dr. Kevin Parker

The Takeaway: Gospel impact in a person’s life spiritually influences other people.

Five Stages of Gospel Impact

  1. Rebellion 反叛
  2. Salvation 救恩
  3. Imitation 模仿
  4. Example 例證
  5. Influence 影響

Application Questions 問題的應用 (included in sermon, at end)

  1. How far you are through God’s process: rebellion, salvation, imitation, example, or influence?
  2. What are you allowing God to do, and what needs to happen next?
  3. How willing are you for God to take you to the next level, and then the next?
  4. This is God’s plan; will you say “Yes” to what He wants to do in you and through you?